Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pooter in a Field

Pooter in a field. I think his arms get a bit lost in the greenery so I might darken them up a bit. Turned out okay.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monster Daily Designs Part II

The final four monster designs for AZM. Now onto backgrounds.

Going top left to right to bottom left to right there's Nom Nommie, Fwog Eats Monkey, The Violet Vindicator, and Monster Cutie. Might change some of the names and will probably add some more monsters at a later date. But this will do for now.

Monster Daily Designs

These cute guys will appear on AZM daily as soon as I can knock out the designs. There will be seven all together.

From left to right, that's Pooter, some flying whale I haven't named yet, and Ma Pooter. Four more to go!